December 3rd, 2012
- Dividend Alerts Christmas Gift Ideas
Dear subscriber
Giving your children the gift of how to handle money, save and invest is the perfect Christmas present in these pressing times, providing both financial education and future security. At this time of year, many parents and grandparents are starting to turn their attention to working out what the latest gadget craze is to buy for their children. But, living in the age of austerity, this usually joyful task is starting to become increasingly daunting.
Nobody knows what the future holds, so we must do everything we can to provide as much financial security for the future generations and teach them how to provide for themselves. Helping your children to grow wealthy is something that your children will certainly thank you for, when they eventually come to understand the significance of managing their own money wisely. This gratitude may not come until your children are a little bit older, perhaps even into their mid or late-teens. However, eventually they will come to know and reap the benefits of the money management principles that you began to plant in their minds from their early childhood years.
As a (grand)parent, one of the best and most rewarding provisions that you can offer to your (grand)child is to help guide them so that they will become independent and responsible, especially in terms of their financial status when they are old enough to take control of this on their own.
Helping Your Children to Get Rich
Our Little Savvy Report on Helping Your Children to Get Rich details why it is so important that you teach your children how to properly manage their money and why children have even more potential for wealth accumulation in their lifetime than you may have had. It’s not necessarily all about the amount of money that is placed into savings and investments; as is discussed in this report, instead, time is the most important factor that will affect the amount of wealth accumulation that children can possess. You will also learn why your child has several other advantages on their side in order to allow them to gain financial freedom.

This report makes it very easy to understand why children have a far greater opportunity than most to become wealthy; this requires you simply making some very important decisions early on. Since a child cannot fully understand these concepts yet, it is your role as a parent to make sure that you make these choices for your child, when they are still too young to understand and take appropriate actions.
Buy A Little Savvy Report on Helping Your Children to Get Rich at Amazon.
Start to teach your children how to make their own decisions when the time is right for them to learn. Ignoring what you could be doing in order to help your child to become financially successful will put them at an extreme disadvantage.
In this easy to read and entirely practical Little Savvy Report on Helping Your Children to Get Rich you will learn how to teach your children and grandchildren about financial matters in simple terms and how to spare them from years of financial struggles.
You need not be a financial expert or even be overly wealthy to help your children to become well off. This Little Savvy Report can help you to change your children’s future for the better and to do so starting right now.
Upon finishing reading A Little Savvy Report on Helping Your Children to Get Rich, you can consider yourself well-armed to place your children on a lucrative financial track, and how exactly to go about doing this in a way that they will understand and become interested in.
Essentially you will help your children to learn how to help themselves. As a matter of fact, you may even wish that your parents had read this Savvy Report.
Buy A Little Savvy Report on Helping Your Children to Get Rich via Amazon or download it as a PDF.
About Little Savvy Reports
Our Reports are designed to be easy to understand and to encourage and inspire you to take action now, in terms of how you go about your financial affairs. Click Here for more information on our Reports.
“Becoming better informed about saving and investing is just the first step. Acting knowledgeably during both good times and difficult ones, and keeping a clear head, is essential to building wealth long term.” – Steven Dotsch – Managing editor Dividend Income
The Realism Board game
If you were to forgo buying your child a £60 Christmas present, and instead invested the £60s each year until they are 18 into a Junior ISA, we estimate the total investment could be worth £1,134 based on 5% growth and/or accumulated income. (This is based on 18 years’ worth of payments). If that seem too boring, why not purchase the Realism Board game, a fun game for all the family which teaches people as young as ten how to make investment decisions. The aim of the game is to invest wisely, buy property, shares and other assets; become a virtual multi-millionaire.

Success is not at the expense of others, so all the family and your friends can enjoy the game. There are plenty of opportunities for all players to make sound investments and just because one player becomes a millionaire it doesn’t mean you can’t be one next time.
Players learn how to co-operate on their way of becoming virtual millionaires. |
Buy the Realism Board Game at, Here .
Players learn the difference between “good” debt and “bad” debt; build up their passive income with good investments and try to avoid buying unnecessary luxuries.
Created by former City veterans, playing Realism is about enjoying yourself and learning about saving, debt and investing, while you become a virtual millionaire by the right buying property, shares and other assets.
Enjoy our Christmas gift ideas!
A Merry Christmas
Steven Dotsch
Managing editor
EMAR Publishers
Dividend Income
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