July 12th, 2011
What if Greece or Italy defaults?
Guide to Dividend Investing - special offer
Dear Subscriber
In the May/June 2010 editions of Dividend Alerts, I indicated that the situation in Europe would only get worse. In fact, I forewarned that the future of the EURO as we than knew it was on the cards.
I am increasingly concerned what’s happening across Europe and its potential impact for the UK economy and London stock market. The current economic and financial turmoil seems to be getting worse. Greece is clearly technically in default, whilst several others appear to be close to that point.
I wouldn’t be surprised if several European countries would actually default - in the next few months, perhaps even weeks.
If that were to happen, we are likely to revisit March 2008 lows in the stock markets around the world. Such a scenario would create huge investment opportunities for the brave, the cash-rich and the well-informed.
Will you be one of them?
If and when the stockmarket crashes do you know which and when a dividend paying company has become historically undervalued?
I am that convinced that you will benefit from our Guide to Dividend Investing that I am keen to offer it especially to Dividend Alerts subscribers at a discount of 25%. Our Guide substantially extends the information which is available on the Dividend Income Investor.com website on how to profit from investing in dividend paying companies which are historically undervalued. Pay just £15! Use the discount code: ZY84BC when you order the Guide to Dividend Investing.
So, what's happening in Europe?
Click Here for my take on the potential repercussions if one or more European countries defaults.
I am sorry - not happy, but necessary, holiday reading.
Until next time. Kind regards
Steven Dotsch
Early Retirement Investor.com
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