by Charle
(London, Canada)
The article states :
"With the recent share purchases, more than 75% of Extract's shares are now held (in-)directly by three strategic investors (Kalahari 42%+, Rio Tinto direct 15 per cent (indirect approx 20%) and Itochu direct 10 per cent (indirect approx 16%).
With this highly concentrated equity ownership of Extract Resources, the likelyhood for a takeover of Extract with a substantial market premium appears to be greatly diminished. "
Why would that be ? I'd think the opposite. Also here's a quote from, I think, Reuters when this was all going on a few months ago:
""Under Australian securities and investment commission rules, any investor purchasing more than 20 per cent of Extract has to make the same offer to the remaining shareholders.
China Guangdong was seeking “clarification” of this with Australian regulators, said Kalahari.""
I'm curious to know what others think about buy out premiums. I'd also love to know why Extracts TSX shares are so very thinly traded.