Introducing a really useful Investment Newsletter
Specialist investment newsletters are often written by individuals who will have a track record of investing in a particular sector, such as high tech shares, commodities, etc, or, a specific type of shares, such as growth shares or stocks with high dividend yields.
How often did you buy a share following a tip from a newspaper? People should not buy stocks and shares without researching them properly.
Often, an investment newsletter performs a very useful role in bringing investment ideas to a time-poor audience while containing an analysis of one or more shares.
Most investors subscribe to investment magazines and newsletters do so in the expectation to get investment ideas or to get a second opinion on their own investment analysis.
Before you decide to subscribe to any particular investment magazine or newsletter here are some things to bear in mind, such as:
Does the particular investment newsletter:
- cover the same type(s) of investments you are interested in?
For instance: shares instead of bonds; growth shares versus dividend shares
- recommends investing strategies you are interested in?
For instance: shorting shares versus ‘going long’ -buy and hold shares ‘forever’
- follows a similar type of investment analysis as you believe in, or, are interested in?
For instance: technical analysis versus fundamental research, or a bit of both?
- has the same investment time frame as you have?
For instance: day trading versus long term investing
- does it make sense to you?
Does the publication incomprehensible language versus plain English?
Introducing Dividend Income Report
We are happy to introduce you to our sister web site Dividend Income
The new website and the Dividend Income Reportreport are aimed at savers and investors interested in dividend paying shares. Click here for a sample report
How is the Early Retirement Investor web site funded?
Web pages are written purely from a neutral, informational and educational perspective. Yet, once they're finished one of the team has the job to see if any 'affiliate links' to a suitable and often recommended product or service can be found.
While these ‘affiliated links' look and work the same way as normal links, if you click through, the link is tracked and it may result in a payment to the Early Retirement Investor website (the details vary; sometimes we get paid per click, per user, per (accepted) application, per purchase, per subscription taken out or any combination).
By taking out a subscription on any of the investment newsletters mentioned on this page Early Retirement Investor's publisher EMAR Publishing will receive a commission.
Doesn't this compromise the web site?
No. The Early Retirement Investor web pages are written, then totally separately, paid links are looked for. If no paying link is available, nothing in the article changes. The link used is simply a ‘non-affiliated' i.e. non-paying, link. Financial considerations do not impact on the text of the web page.
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